Friday, August 22, 2008

Avoid doing this at all costs

Sorry, but I need to RANT for a minute, so bear with me...

I just received another one of those so-called "free" report
offers in my email. Something about multiplying my income...
blowing away my competition... yadda yadda...

So like a fool, I go check out the report, and it's nothing but
a barely concealed sales pitch for some lame new product that
I'm not even interested in!

Worst thing?

There wasn't one *bit* of USEFUL information in the report at all!

I mean, give me a break! How many more of these lame "free"
offers are we going to have to put up with? It's like everybody
and his or her dog is putting out this useless garbage.

The industry is FLOODED with them!

Trust me: this is NOT how you do FREE (unless, of course, your
goal is to anger or alienate your customers and subscribers, and
KILL your chances of developing a strong relationship with them).

And here's the thing... if these jokers understood how to REALLY
do free, their customers and subscribers would see them as heroes,
rather than dummies.

Case in point?

Derek Gehl recently released a set of FREE videos that provide
a TON of value, with real, step-by-step information that ANYONE
can follow to make SERIOUS profits on the Internet (potentially
thousands of dollars a MONTH), even if you don't have website!

These videos are about getting started on eBay, and they're FULL
of tested and proven strategies for getting wealthy on eBay that
he and his in-house team of elite mentors spent MONTHS pulling

I watched them, and was really impressed by their content.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they're revealing profit
secrets in these videos that even the top sellers on eBay don't
know about!

And if you read the marketing blogs, you'll see that people are
LOVING them!

Everyone's raving about how USEFUL the videos are, and how
grateful they are to Derek for giving them such a great head-start
to making a solid income online.

Now THAT'S how you do free!

I won't show you the example of the CRUMMY free offer (to protect
the guilty), but I *will* show you Derek's videos. They're worth
taking a look at:



Thursday, August 21, 2008

Residual Income Solution through Viral Marketing

If you've ever wanted to earn a residual or passive income and wanted to do it on autopilot there has never been a better time to do it than RIGHT NOW!.

Using a brand new system brought out by an experienced marketer who knows how to build a team guides you through the maze of setting up a simple system and shows you how to promote it.

The simple system is ViralPond and it is used to promote two programs that can change your life forever. With the power of the Internet and putting viral marketing on steroids you are going to create a system that others will only talk about if they don't want to join you. The ones that don't become a part of ViralPond will wish they were.

The two programs, Freebie Force and Global Domains International are two of the top programs on the Internet. Both are very easy to utilize and easy to set up even for the most inexperienced Internet Marketer.

Why not visit each one today and sign up? GDI will let you take them for a ride for 7 Days and if you like it ask me how you can check it out free for another 30 days. Preenroll in Freebie Force and take the tour of what they offer. When you're a member you can get tons of stuff free. Anything from software to shampoo.

Don't delay, visit ViralPond today by going to and become a free member.